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Competition: How Eliminating This Word From Your Vocabulary Will Skyrocket Your Success

Competition: How Eliminating This Word From Your Vocabulary Will Skyrocket Your Success
this essay is extracted from Rok SIVANTE's Facebook Notes.
Click here for Rok SIVANTE Facebook Profile page.


How much of business & economic theory has been based around the concept?

What’s happened to this economy of ours, based on the scarcity model of which competition is a core principle? (For anyone who hasn’t picked up a newspaper in the last year - it hasn’t exactly been doing as hot as most would like)

What are the consequences of continuing to operate in the world from a belief system dictating there must be a winner and a loser in all outcomes?

Are your results really dependent on how others around you conduct their lives?

Your success in business has NOTHING to do with the “competition.” What any other company or person is doing has NOTHING to do with the level of abundance you create in your life. Your success relies solely on YOU - not just your product or strengths, but your strategies, mindsets, systems, habits. It is here where your greatest value lies.

If others in your industry are achieving better results, study them and incorporate what’s working for them into your own. You have much more to gain from viewing others in your industry as teachers than competitors. Observe their successes & what they’re doing right. Integrate elements of their systems, style, methods into your own - reverse engineering their strategies, following their lead, while adding in your own personal flavor.

As successful as they’re doing, there will be things you are capable of they aren’t. No one else has the exact same life, work, educational experience you do. All the lessons, insights, and wisdom you’ve gained up until now is of great value to some group of people. You’ve learned much through your successes & failures. There are others out there who need to know what you know to get where they want to be.

If offering the exact same products or opportunities as a number of marketers, you may be able to explain a vision or benefits in ways others cannot. Some people will resonate with your style of communication and personality more than your “competitors.” Your “competition” may even introduce prospects to an opportunity, fail to inspire them to hop on board, lining things up perfectly for you to step in and take over the close.

You don’t need to be the biggest, best, most experienced. You don’t need to have the absolute best product, biggest distribution network, largest client database, or have the most influence.

Why? Because you can leverage all of that!

Doing away with the idea of competition will drastically expand the possibilities available to you...

Many fortunes in the corporate world have been made & multiplied when companies enter into strategic alliances with their competitors. Many multi-billion dollar global empires have been built not by playing a competitive game, but through the mergers of companies in the same industries.

The leading figures in the world of internet marketing have made MILLIONS in joint ventures. They’re not all out competing against one another, trying to be the best, but each doing their own thing, and co-promoting others when a hot new product or service is launched. The result is more exposure for everyone, more value being offered to customers, and bigger digits in everyone’s bank accounts.

More money can be made by swapping leads rather than hoarding prospects all to oneself. More wealth can be created when “opposing” teams combine their resources to achieve common goals. There’s unlimited power in cooperation. When people & businesses work together to match clients/customers up with the businesses or individuals that can best suit their needs, it’s a win-win for everybody.

Competition is not necessary. There are different products and brands for different groups of consumers. People have varying tastes & preferences. Some prefer Coke, others Pepsi. Some like driving Fords & Buicks, others like BMWs & Hondas. These companies are not in competition with each other, but rather contributing their own unique value, providing contrast and freedom of choice.

If it appears someone else in the same business is doing “better” than you, you might be undermining your own success by comparing yourself to others, rather than creating your own definition of success. Perhaps you’d benefit from honestly asking yourself if you’re just engaging in a pissing contest. Is it REALLY that important you be the best? Why? How much of your desire for success is driven by ego?

There’s great danger in constantly comparing yourself with others. Whenever we rely on outer conditions for inner peace, we’ve written ourselves a prescription for suffering. It’s a losing scenario when we base our own worth on how others are doing. Competing may motivate us to perform at our best, though can also blind us to our own successes & keep us chasing after unattainable ideals. Focusing on the successes of others can provide valuable feedback, guidance, lessons, and direction on how to improve our game, though can also divert attention from defining our own niches and how to make the most of our own uniqueness.

What will determine your failure or success more than anything else is the vibe you send out to customers and potential partners. At any given time, you are either attracting or repelling people to you, based on the energy you project...

Smart, success-oriented people want to do business with others who have an abundant mindset. The definition of competition, in economic theory, inherently presupposes a paradigm of scarcity - that there isn’t enough to go around, or there must be a winner and a loser. People naturally want to align with the winners. And who are the winners?

Not the ones trying to “beat the competition,” but those with positive energy, passion, purpose, who focus on providing value.

Would you really like to align with someone who talks poorly about others and tries to hype up their own business at the ridicule of another, who’s focused on building & improving their business from the standpoint of having to “stay on top of” the competition, to “dominate” their market, and “steal market share?”

Or, would you prefer to align yourself with someone who acknowledges the strengths & positives in all businesses, who does what only they can do best, focusing on providing their clientele maximum value by leveraging their own uniqueness?

People don’t necessarily want to do business with those making the most money, but with those they can relate to, who are honesty, likable, supportive, open, and inspiring. You don’t need to be #1 to prove your worth. You can connect with the people who will help you rise to your greatest successes even if your “competitors” do have some advantage.

Success isn’t about having the greatest market share or making the most profit. It isn’t about outperforming others playing the same game, winning a prize, or attaining status.

Success is about quality of life. It’s about receiving what you want and deserve in life based on your capacity to contribute and be of service to your community. Success is an ongoing process of developing yourself into a person who has more to offer than the year before. It’s about creating a fulfilling life through connecting with others and building each other up.

Follow your personal path. Do what only you can do best. Rely on your internal compass, always remaining healthily skeptical of an external reality defined by others. Forget about the “competition,” and progress through your own growth process. Develop your vision, clarifying how you want to contribute to the world. Direct your focus on what you’re doing, how you can improve, and become not just a winner of a competition, but a leader in your field...
Rok, I thank you for writing and sharing this.

Stay driven!


Anna Chan said…
This is truly an inspiring article about how there's room for all of us to succeed and excel in business. Thank you for posting this article.

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