As most of us have known today, Viagra is manufactured by Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals and it is the most widely used spam. Now, can you imagine if your business computers are compromised by black-hat hackers to send out Viagra spam?
Here you are - a business owner operating a growing small-medium business and have become a trusted adviser to your clients. Now, imagine this - you did not continuously invest to upgrade and protect your network computers and diligently get someone to make sure that your network is secure and IT Security policies are being practiced by all your staff. Your last network firewall purchased was 3-years ago and all your PCs are installed with an anti-virus software.
After being called by your Internet Service Provider, you realized that several of your PCs has malicious software which was silently installed without the PC users even knowing. Now, what are you going to do about this?
After you ponder about it for several minutes, read this story from ComputerWorld about how Pfizer network computers was hijacked by crackers to send out Viagra spam.
Here you are - a business owner operating a growing small-medium business and have become a trusted adviser to your clients. Now, imagine this - you did not continuously invest to upgrade and protect your network computers and diligently get someone to make sure that your network is secure and IT Security policies are being practiced by all your staff. Your last network firewall purchased was 3-years ago and all your PCs are installed with an anti-virus software.
After being called by your Internet Service Provider, you realized that several of your PCs has malicious software which was silently installed without the PC users even knowing. Now, what are you going to do about this?
After you ponder about it for several minutes, read this story from ComputerWorld about how Pfizer network computers was hijacked by crackers to send out Viagra spam.