Is Cancer a death sentence? By Stephen Mok, Financial Consultant, IPP Financial Advisers Pte Ltd Within a short span of 6 months, 2 female relatives of mine had been diagnosed with cancer. Both are in their early sixties. One had cancer of the womb and the other had bone cancer. The first one was a simple factory worker, staying in a 3-room flat while the second was a multi-millionaire business woman, staying in District 9. Both were expected to live for a few months as they were at the fourth stage of cancer. They did not detect the cancer cells earlier due to ignorance and refused to go for medical checkups. 1) The first relative was warded at Kandang Kerbau Women and Children’s Hospital (a government restructured hospital) and underwent chemotherapy after the doctors confirmed the presence of the cancer cells. She went in and out of the hospital many times for check ups, scans, medication and counseling. Unfortunately she suffered a stroke after a week of chemotherapy and became bed...
You are reading the blog of Moonshi Mohsenruddin, a Singapore citizen and evangelist of Information Technology and how IT can be leverage to solve real world problems. I am a Problem Solver, a Systems Guy who believes in Sharing thru Giving, Learning by Doing and applying knowledge towards creating Economic Freedom.