I finally got to force myself to do something about this domain name which I purchased sometime ago. Well, setting up a Linux server and spending some time configuring Apache is a breeze especially with most of the new Linux distributions now coming with a bunch of applications usually pre-configured. With the help of "linuxconf", on the latest Mandrake Linux 7.2, it's neat, tidy, simple, fast and easy! Soon, gone will be the days of command-line editing on term-consoles. Those poor geeks will start hating the GUIs users! So now that this site is up, I hope to achieve more than just this simple dead site by Q1 next year as I will be on vacation soon to rest my mind and refocus my mind on myself, my surroundings, my family, relatives and all my friends whom I have lost contact with for the past 14 months that I have been working for my current employer, WizOffice.com Many people asked me, "Why have you been so busy at work?" and my only answer is, this company w...
You are reading the blog of Moonshi Mohsenruddin, a Singapore citizen and evangelist of Information Technology and how IT can be leverage to solve real world problems. I am a Problem Solver, a Systems Guy who believes in Sharing thru Giving, Learning by Doing and applying knowledge towards creating Economic Freedom.